Thursday, 4 October 2007


Been toying with making a 3d model of Nelsons flagship the 'H.M.S Victory' in Inventor lately, and its been proving difficult to achieve.

The main problems are -

1. The shear size of the thing, its massive
2. The awkward shapes its made out of, its curvy structure is proving hard to recreate in 3d.

Might have to go about maing a wirefame model of it first, and build on it from there I reakon. Tried to make it using extrude tools but couldnt fillet it enough to make it look like it can cut through water as easily as the real thing can. have to make it look as realistic as I can


Jo Bowman said...

I don't know how easy it is to use Inventor, but I think in max there may be ways around having to build the whole ship. We could build it in sections for instance, or just build areas that we wish to show in the video!

Tiggeruk85 said...

Sadigh,modelling a boat, quite so early, you really are exceeding yourself. I think its going to look really good once were done but as you said, very scary topic.

Tim said...

don't use inventor for this mate, it's going to be alot more easy to do it with max. Inventor you have to know exactly what you are doing from the start, which we don't. Max will be the easiest option as far as modeling methods are concerned, since you can make a basic shape and add more complexity to it at any stage, rather than diving right in with the detail from the start.

Also, if you use inventor it will import the ship as nurms, making it harder to destroy the thing if chunks get blown off, and it will talk longer to render and will slow up the computer more.

On the other hand, i agree with sam, it's good that you are looking so far ahead from so early on in the project, hope this keeps up :D

Jo Bowman said...

Hi James - I have not seen a blog entry for a while!